

Monday, October 18, 2010

Managerial Functions

i. Planning: This function deals with the determination of the future course of action to achieve desired results. Planning of personnel today prevents crises tomorrow. The personnel manager is expected to determine the personnel programme regarding recruitment, selection and training of employees.

ii. Organising: This function is primarily concerned with proper grouping of personnel activities, assigning of different groups of activities to different individuals and delegation of authority. Creation of a proper structural framework is his primary task. Organising, in fact, is considered to be the wool of the entire management fabric and hence cannot afford to be ignored.

iii. Directing: This involves supervising and guiding the personnel. To execute plans, direction is essential for without direction there is no destination. Many a time, the success of the organisation depends on the direction of things rather than their design. Direction then consists of motivation and leadership. The personnel manager must be an effective leader who can create winning teams. While achieving results, the personnel manager must, invariably, take care of the concerns and expectations of employees at all levels.

iv. Controlling: Controlling function of personnel management comprises measuring the employee’s performance, correcting negative deviations and industrial assuring an efficient accomplishment of plans. It makes individuals aware of their performance through review reports, records and personnel audit programmes. It ensures that the activities are being carried out in accordance with stated plans.